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APU Engineering Students Achieved 2 Awards At ICISCA 2015 Conference Technical Poster Competition

Two teams of our students from the School of Engineering successfully achieved the Gold Award and the Bronze Award at the International Conference on Information, System and Convergence Applications (ICISCA), which was held from 24th June (Wednesday) to 27th June (Monday), at the Royale Chulan Hotel, Kuala Lumpur and Everly Hotel, Putrajaya.  

At the conference, a Student Poster Competition was held, in which participating students were required to design a 100cm x 140cm poster based on any work related to the ICISCA 2015. Cleopatra Musa and Syed Abdullah, mentored by Prof Dr Ir Vinesh Thiruchelvam, achieved the Gold Award with their outstanding poster design, and walked away with a cash prize of RM1,000. On the other hand, Lee Chii Jun, mentored by Mr Chandrasekharan Nataraj, attained the Bronze Award and walked away with a cash prize of RM300.

Apart from taking part in the competition, the students also gained valuable eye-opening experiences while attending the conference, as they were exposed to conference paper presentations on several engineering technologies, such as electromagnetic sensing, intelligent systems and control, artificial intelligence, smart sensors and so on.

We Championed the Gamification Hackathon 2015!

Here’s another good news to share! 

Our team of APU students, Team Unique, comprising Chin Jess Nny, Lim Chu Sheng and Daryl Ong Wi Hsien, stood out among other participants in the 2015 Gamification Hackathon, which was jointly organised by Nettium and SelfDrvn Enterprise recently.

The team worked on an application called City Life, in which they applied the gamification concept into workplace applications. After demonstrating outstanding creativity and skills throughout the 30 hours of programme development, the team was crowned as champions of the competition. They walked away with a cash prize of RM4,000 and a Microsoft Surface Pro 3. 

The competition was an eye opener for the team, as they had the opportunity to meet IT professionals and participate in special workshops and talks; in which enabled them to gain more exposure towards the industry and its requirements to excel in this field. Congratulations and thumbs up to the team; special thanks to Ms Vinothini Kasinathan, the mentor of the team for the dedication and effort. We shall look forward to hear more success stories in the future!

Finalist of Maybank UI/UX Competition

We are proud to announce that Babar Naveed, our student of Media Marketing programme, achieved as one of the finalists as well as the winner of the Consolation Prize at the #MakeItYourM2u mobile banking UI/UX design competition. The final presentation and prize giving ceremony took place on Thursday, 9 April 2015 at Dewan Sri Pinang, Kuala Lumpur.
The competition was organised by Maybank, in which students were expected to design website screens of the Maybank2u mobile application. 60 participants from various universities in Malaysia took part in this competition; and 10 finalists were selected for the final presentation. 
Congratulations and thumbs up to Babar for the amazing achievement!

APU's Cyber Heroes

Our Cyber Heroes did it again! 

At the recently concluded Cyber Heroes Competition (CHC) 2019 that was jointly organized by Cyber Security Malaysia (CSM), Standard Chartered Bank and APU, our Year 2 Cyber Security students, Imran Esack Dawoodjee, Sritaran Doraisamy and Nicholas Leow Yung Jian (Team Shellhound) achieved the highest score and were crowned champions of the challenge. The challenge was hosted at APU’s Cyber Security Talent Zone, where it saw the participation from 13 local private and public universities.

Our teams, FetchOrbis and Shellhound demonstrated extra confidence throughout the competition, in which team Shellhound performed excellently by demonstration skills and talents in forensic analysis and outstanding teamwork. At the prize giving ceremony that was held in Putrajaya Mariott Hotel, apart from attaining the championship, Imran, who was the member of team Shellhound, was also announced as the Most Valuable Player (MVP) for contributing the most points for his team. They receive their prizes from  YB Tuan Gobind Singh Deo, Minister of Communications and Multimedia who was also the guest of honour at the closing ceremony.

Apart from taking part in the competition, teams FetchOrbis and Shellhound also had the opportunity to be a part of the Safer Internet Day (SID) 2019  forum, to hear and discuss about youth initiatives in making the internet a safer place. Congratulations and well done to team Shellhound, as their mentor, Ms. Nor Azlina ffor their success!

2 Prizes At Once!

3 days are all we need, for our students to demonstrate their outstanding coding skills!

At the recently concluded “3 Days of Code” Hackathon organized by Multimedia University (MMU), we are proud to share that 2 of our student teams – team ‘KarmaPoints’ and team ‘VRoomFor2’ walked away as the Champion and 1st Runner Up teams, earning 2 awards at once!

The “3 Days of Code” Hackathon is an event that combines coding competition and hackathon to gauge students’ programming and problem solving skills. Organised annually by the IT Society of MMU Cyberjaya, this competition was open to all undergraduate students from Malaysian private and public universities. At the competition, students were expected to demonstrate teamwork to propose solutions for systems in the fields of Transport, Education or Finance.

Team ‘KarmaPoints’ developed an innovative mobile app that allows users to collect loyalty points via services and to donate them to charity organisations, whereas team ‘VRoomFor2’ invented a matchmaking and ride-hailing platform that combines the concepts of organizing dates without worrying on the issues of mobility.


Both teams walked away with cash prizes of RM1,000 and RM750 respectively. CONGRATULATIONS to team ‘KarmaPoints’ and team ‘VRoomFor2’!

6th Time Gold Winner

Our School of Engineering continues to stand tall and stay strong! At the Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) 60th Annual Dinner that was held recently, we are pleased to share that Yim Jun Ming, our final year student of the Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical & Electronic Engineering with Honours programme, attained the IEM Gold Medal award 2019. The award was to acknowledge Jun Ming’s outstanding academic excellence in his final year of studies, particularly in his final year project, that was built on an environment monitoring system using Internet of Things (IoT).

A moment of pride for APU was recorded at the event as well, when our own ELA robot, designed and built by the Asia Pacific Centre of Robotics Engineering (APCoRE), was used by the Minister of Primary Industries, YB Teresa Kok to officiate the event.

Jun Ming is the 6th Engineering student from APU to receive the IEM Gold Medal since 2014; our continuous success is a testament of our outstanding quality of teaching and learning at the School of Engineering.

Recognition For Excellence

At the recently concluded Malaysia OpenGov Leadership Forum, we are proud to share that APU has received the prestigious Recognition of Excellence Award. This award acknowledges our long-lasting effort  in using innovative and disruptive technologies through optimization of processes, delivering citizen-centric services and pushing new boundaries within the higher education scene.

Our Vice Chancellor, Prof. Ron Edwards, and Chief Innovation Officer cum Deputy Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Ir. Vinesh Thiruchelvam were present at the ceremony to receive the award from  Mohit Sagar, Group Managing Director and Editor-in-Chief, OpenGov Asia. It was also notable that the APU CyberSecurity Talent Zone, being Malaysia’s first cybersecurity talent zone with military-grade facilities, was well-acknowledged as a renowned innovation in this perspective!

We applaud all academic and non-academic staff for their efforts in always delivering, implementing and practicing innovative solutions, and we shall continue to think innovatively!

[Press Release] Asia Pacific Champs

Kuala Lumpur, 4 March 2019: Four students from the Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU) brought pride to their university and the country as they emerged as the Champion Team at the 2019 Ernst & Young (EY) Asia-Pacific Cyber Hackathon Challenge.

The Hackathon took place in Hong Kong on 3rd March 2019. It was an international arena for top universities from across the Asia-Pacific to compete on strategic thinking, reasoning and technical programming skills. University teams from Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia were amongst the finalists.

All participating teams were required to work on a real-life cyber experience that challenges them to ‘capture the flags’ by completing various custom-made scenarios.

Team “FetchOrbis” from APU comprising Yap Chee Sing, Mun Chee Wah, Imran Esack Dawoodjee and Hassan Zayan Azzam from the School of Computing & Technology (SoCT) achieved the most points at the end of the challenge. They eventually championed the challenge and walked away with HKD20,000 (equivalent to RM10,380).

The students are part of the Cyber Security and Software Engineering programmes at APU. This is their first time participating in the EY Asia-Pacific Cyber Hackathon Challenge.

This has been an incredible learning experience for us as we are still very new to the competitive scene. The competition emulated real world environments and scenarios really well and it certainly was challenging,” expressed Hassan Zayan Azzam, member of team “FetchOrbis”, as he recalled the memorable experience.

Congratulations Team FetchOrbis! They made us proud by demonstrating not only knowledge and skills in cyber security but also the necessary passion, dedication, team-spirit, problem-solving skills and emotional intelligence to be able to withstand the demands and pressure which comes in any hackathon,” expressed Surpriya Singh, Head of School of Technology, APU.

Showcasing an Edge in Technology

Lecturers and students from the School of Computing & Technology demonstrated innovative projects at the Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE) 2019 that was held recently. We are pleased to share with you that all 5 projects developed by our teams walked away with awards in both the “Mentor Mentee Awards” and the “Education Innovation Awards” categories.    

Our teams’ success is as displayed below:
Mentor Mentee AwardsProject SynopsisParticipantsAward

Project Name:

C-Heart: Augmented Reality Of 3D Heart Anatomy

M-Learning application to learn about Heart anatomy through Augmented Reality.

  • Aida Zamnah Binti Zainal Abidin
  • Muhammad Biki Saputra
  • Amni Amira Binti Redzuan
  • Nor Amanina Binti Zamri
  • Chen Tet Khuan

Project Name:

Cake Frenzy: An Easy & Enjoyable Way To Learn About Indonesian Cultures Through A Mobile Game

Game-based learning application on learning different cultures and cakes of Indonesia.

  • Aida Zamnah Binti Zainal Abidin
  • Salsabila Patria Wibowo
  • Pang Wen Horng
  • Nor Hilman Amri Bin Shaiful Amri
  • Muhammad Fauzan Apriyani
  • Chen Tet Khuan
Education Innovation AwardsProject SynopsisParticipantsAward

Project Name:


A web-based application using a QR code as a tool in assisting the learning activities.

  • Mohamad Firdaus Che Abdul Rani
  • Vinothini Kasinathan
  • Nor Azlina Abd Rahman

Project Name: 

Web-Based Learning tool for primary school students with Dyscalculia

A web-based application in teaching Mathematics subject for special children with dyscalculia in primary school

  • Mohamad Firdaus Che Abdul Rani
  • Nor Azlina Abd Rahman
  • Rizawati Rohizan

Project Name:


Smuggy is a fun-filled web application security learning platform that is designed to teach its users about the various security issues that are associated with a poorly designed web application that is deployed on the Internet today. Smuggy is able to serve as a risk-free platform to provide the proof-of-concept on showing the consequences when the web application security is neglected by the developer

  • Kua Wee Seng
  • Yusnita Yusof
  • Nor Azlina Abd Rahman
  • Dr Ma’en Tayseer Ekrayem
  • Yogeswaran Nathan

The Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE) 2019 is a prestigious platform for inventors and innovators to showcase their findings. During the exhibition, our students had the opportunity to pitch their projects to industry professionals. We are pleased that our teams obtained positive feedback, as they demonstrated a great level of enthusiasm and professionalism.


We are proud of our teams; it was an amazing experience for the students, while it provides them with real-life exposure and an opportunity to interact with industry professionals.

[Press Release] A Perfect Blend of Creativity, Ingenuity and Technology

Kuala Lumpur, 10 December 2018: A cross-faculty and trans-disciplinary effort among students and staff from Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU) and the Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology (APIIT) led to the production of the university concept car named - Invictus.

The Invictus was a working prototype designed and assembled by team Invictus to compete in the Proton DRB-Hicom Creative Car Challenge (PD3C) 2018 which was concluded on 8 December. The car emerged as the champion of the challenge and the team walked away with a cash prize of RM7,000. In addition, Khoo Wern Sheung, Year 3 student of the BA (Hons) Transport Design programme, who was part of the team also achieved a 3rd Prize at the Design Battle.

Prior to the final challenge, the team from APU was one of the 13 finalists at the PD3C pitching session held in March 2018. At the pitching session, the team proposed to use the Proton Preve as the base model of the Invictus’s concept design. They were then given a Proton Preve and were required to re-design and re-engineer the given car model with brand new ideas and concepts.

Under the guidance of academic staff from the School of Media, Arts & Design (SoMAD) at APIIT, 20 students from the Product Design, Transport Design and Engineering disciplines worked on sketching, designing, modelling, assembling and styling the Invictus over 9 months.


Animation and Visual Effects students applied their skills and knowledge in creating the promotion video and designing the electronic display panels available within Invictus.

Personnel from the PD3C committee visited the team and were kept updated of the progress twice throughout the progression. The car development process was fully documented in the logbook as required by the organizers.

This was the first concept car assembled by APU & APIIT students, as they participated in the PD3C for the first time.

The car featured futuristic design elements that cater for urban living lifestyle, in line with APU’s nature of being a technology-savvy and innovative university. Some key features on the concept car include:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) integrated headlamps
  • Integrated side view cameras to replace traditional wing mirrors
  • Smart Auto Door with Facial Recognition System
  • Fully digital Infotainment System
  • High-pressure front windshield to replace traditional wipers
  • Touch-screen and fully-interactive panel to replace traditional dashboard, speedometer, odometer and fault indicators
  • Front lower radar sensor to detect uneven objects or surfaces ahead


Khoo Wern Sheung, Year 3 student of the BA (Hons) Transport Design programme, also participated in the Design Battle that was held as part of the competition. His hand-sketched design of a compact car based on the theme given, ‘Fish’, emerged as the 3rd Prize Winner of the Battle.

Overwhelmed by their victory at the competition, Invictus team member, Lee Kian Chong, expressed his gratitude to the university lecturers and his team mates for the support. “It’s been such a wonderful experience! There were times we felt frustrated but with great team work we are proud of the final outcome. I am really proud to be part of the team. We manage to turn the impossible to possible,” said Lee.

Saifullizan Bin Abdul Wahab, academic staff of APIIT, recalled the team’s efforts and the strong passion demonstrated by the staff and students over the 9 months while working on the Invictus, “The Invictus born out of teamwork among all staff and students, as well as the strong support by the management and our colleagues at APU and APIIT. Team Invictus had a challenging yet memorable 9 months; I am thankful to all students and staff who had worked on the Invictus tirelessly. Our hard work paid off!” 

The team worked with passion, perseverance and dedication to achieve a concept that is revolutionary. An awesome effort by students and staff from across different schools, working together as an integrated effort,” commended Datuk Parmjit Singh, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of APIIT Education Group.

The Invictus is on display at APU’s campus located in Technology Park Malaysia, Bukit Jalil from 10 December 2018 onwards. For more information about the Invictus, follow them on social media: Invictus – APIIT (Facebook) / Invictus.apiit (Instagram).
